3 Tips Meningkatkan Jumlah Pembaca Blog Anda
Selain untuk mengatasi stress, blogging juga punya banyak manfaat lain, antara lain untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog.Nah, untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog tersebut, salah satu syarat terpentingnya adalah kemampuan blog untuk mendatangkan pengunjung berlimpah. Bagaimana caranya? Apa yang mesti dilakukan?
Ada banyak cara untuk meningkatkan jumlah pembaca blog. Tiga tips di bawah ini khusus saya bagikan buat anda.
1. Perluas lahan blog anda. Kalau dulunya blog anda baru memiliki 5 posting saja, sekarang tentunya tidak lagi. Pasti jumlah postingan anda sudah bertambah. Artinya, tulisan atau pembahasan yang anda lakukan di blog pun bertambah banyak. Mengapa ini penting?
Untuk meningkatkan jumlah pembaca, tentu anda harus punya banyak hal yang bisa ditawarkan dari isi blog anda. Kalau blog jarang di-update, tentu pengunjung kapok untuk kembali. Sebab itu menjadi kewajiban anda untuk terus meng-update isi blog anda. Makin banyak isi blog anda, makin besar jumlah pembaca blog anda.
2. Buat posting berseri. Posting serial atau artikel bersambung ikut meningkatkan jumlah pembaca. Karena telah membaca posting kunci beriklan bagian pertama misalnya, akan timbul rasa penasaran untuk menanti posting bagian kedua. Contoh lain seperti yang juga dilakukan blog bisnis catatan Mas Sumartono tentang Referensi Mengungkap Rahasia Bisnis.
3. Kualitas konten. Sama sekali tidak ada yang menolak membaca konten yang berkualitas. Konten yang bagus merupakan penarik traffic untuk anda. Konten yang baik adalah yang bermanfaat, orisinal, dan menarik sesuai target pembaca blog anda. Menjaga kualitas konten anda dengan konten semacam itu akan meningkatkan jumlah pembaca blog anda. Setiap orang selalu ingin yang terbaik, termasuk untuk urusan content.
Bingung bagaimana menulis di blog? Silakan baca tips menulis di blog.
Cara yang saya sampaikan di atas merupakan pembenahan dari dalam blog anda. Sebenarnya, masih ada beberapa cara lain untuk meningkatkan pembaca blog anda dengan cara dari luar blog. Namun bagaimanapun muaranya tetap berada dalam blog anda sendiri. Sebab, sekalipun anda sudah berupaya mati-matian meningkatkan traffic, namun jika konten blog anda tidak mampu menahan perhatian pembaca, maka pengunjung hanya akan numpang lewat saja. Sehingga perkembangan blog anda pun bisa terhambat.
Ikuti ketiga tips di atas dan terapkan untuk blog anda.
Have you ever gone into your email account, only to find a link to some page pitching the next great online marketing program, promising you millions? Or, maybe you have noticed those ads along the side of the website you are visiting, telling you that they have the secret to your success. If you have ever seen any of these ads, or even clicked on them and have been confronted by a long pitch page, promising to solve all of your money woes, you have probably asked yourself "I wonder how they do it, and does it work?" Well, among the many ways you can make money online, three are the most common when it comes to these money making programs: CPA ads, PPC ads, and good-old-fashioned Affiliate marketing.
Cost Per Action, or CPA, is one of the 3 easy ways people make money online. Companies will pay you to find leads for their business, in the hopes of making more money. The "Action" part of CPA refers to a desired result of displaying an ad, such as purchasing a product, filling out your information in a form, etc. Companies will pay you money for posting their ad on your website, as long as the desired action takes place. Some good CPA companies to sign up for are www.hydranetwork.com andwww.copeac.com. Place their ads on your website, drive traffic, and get paid for any action taken by a customer.
Pay Per Click, or PPC, is another of the 3 easy ways people make money online. This method involves signing up for services such as Google Adsense, and placing ads on your website or blog. You are paid every time someone clicks on one of these ads, with the payout varying depending on the advertiser. This is one of the simplest ways for someone to make money online, but you need to drive a lot of traffic in order to get enough people to click on these ads. Do NOT click these ads yourself! You will lose priveleges, potentially for life!
The 3rd easy way people make money online is through affiliate marketing. To become an affiliate marketer you can sign up for services such as www.Clickbank.com or Commission Junction (www.cj.com) or others. These services provide you with links to post on your website or blog that will lead your readers to the chosen product's sales page. If the reader purchases the product or service you linked them to, you get paid a commission, in some cases up to 75% of the purchase price. This is a great way to make money online with your website or blog.
As you have noticed, each of these 3 easy ways people make money online require you to place advertisements on your website or blog. If you do not already have a website or blog, it is highly recommended that you look into starting one. You can get free blogs at sites like Blogger.com or Wordpress.com, or you can start your own website using a hosting company like hostgator.com. Once you start your site you can place these advertising methods on it, generate traffic, and begin earning money on the internet.
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