Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

Pilih Mana, Blogger atau Wordpress?

Bagi yang pertama kali mau blogging, mungkin bingung mau membuat blog dimana. Karena banyak sekali pilihan yang ditawarkan. Mulai dari penyedia blog luar seperti Blogger, Wordpress, Multiply, Blogdrive, sampai yang lokal seperti BlogGaul, BlogBoleh, Detik, dan Dagdigdug.

Di antara sekian banyak pilihan tempat blogging itu, kali ini mari kita ulas dan obrolkan tentang dua penyedia blog yang paling banyak dipakai saat ini, yakni blogger dan wordpress. Apa saja kesamaan keduanya? Dan apa pula yang menjadi kelebihan keduanya?

Dalam memilih apapun, kebanyakan dari kita pasti akan memilih yang bagus dan (kalau bisa) gratis. Kedua kriteria umum tadi sudah pasti bisa dipenuhi blogger dan wordpress. Tapi di samping dua hal tadi, keduanya memiliki kesamaan lain. Apa sajakah?

Mudah digunakan. Keduanya sama-sama mudah digunakan. Semudah anda mengetik di program pengolah kata. Sebelum posting dipublikasikan, anda pun bisa melihat review-nya terlebih dulu. Membuatnya pun tidak sulit. Kita tinggal mengikuti petunjuknya yang cuma dalam beberapa langkah, maka jadilah blog kita.
Tersedia pilihan template (theme). Keduanya sama-sama punya pilihan theme. Namun, secara jumlah, pilihan lebih banyak terdapat di Wordpress. Template atau theme ini pun sebenarnya bisa kita ganti dengan template lain yang beredar di internet.
Di samping itu, blogger memiliki keunggulan pada:

Bisa mengubah desain. Dengan mengedit berkas style (CSS), kita bisa mengubah desain seperti yang kita inginkan.
Bisa dibuat adsense. Mayoritas peraup uang dari Adsense yang menggunakan blog gratis, biasanya memakai blogger. Mungkin karena blogger dan adsense adalah sama-sama milik Google. Jadi lebih mudah untuk disetujui adsense-nya. Wordpress pun sebetulnya bisa, tapi harus memakai yang versi berbayar.
Contoh yang menggunakan blogger seperti Mas Satriyo, Mas Erick, Mas Agung, Mas Ichu, dan Pak Sumartono.

Sedang wordpress memiliki kelebihan antara lain:

Adanya fitur kategori. Adanya kategori akan mempermudah pemilik dan pengunjung blog. Pemilik blog mudah untuk menentukan cakupan topik yang akan dibahas. Bagi pengunjung, fitur ini memudahkan untuk mencari topik tertentu yang diminati. Di wordpress, fitur ini secara otomatis muncul. Di blogger pun sebetulnya bisa dimunculkan, tapi perlu sedikit usaha.
Mudah untuk berkomunikasi. Menurut saya ini merupakan salah satu kelebihan terpenting wordpress. Yaitu bisa melakukan pingback atau trackback. Sebab, pada hakikatnya setiap pemilik blog adalah makhluk sosial. Suka untuk bergaul dengan pemilik blog lainnya. Selain berkomentar, melakukan pingback dan trackback adalah cara lain berkomunikasi dengan pemilik blog lainnya.
Ada statistik. Di wordpress tersedia plug in yang bisa menampilkan statistik, baik secara harian, mingguan, maupun bulanan. Ada juga informasi tentang jumlah pengakses setiap halaman beserta kata kuncinya. Semua informasi ini penting untuk memantau perkembangan blog anda. Sehingga anda pun bisa mengambil tindakan tepat untuk perkembangan blog anda.
Yang menggunakan Wordpress seperti MasHengky, Mas Arief Maulana, dan Mas Abbie.

Di luar yang saya sebutkan di atas, tentu masih banyak sisi lain blogger dan wordpress. Anda mau menambahkannya? Atau mungkin bercerita tentang pengalaman blogging selama ini? Bagi yang belum punya blog, silakan ikutan nimbrung di sini.

If you are like me and you make a decent portion of your monthly income from Google's AdSense program, then you want to make sure that you are making as much money as possible with every single click. The funny thing is, many AdSense publishers are leaving alot of moey on the table because their account is suffering from something called a smartpricing penalty.

So what is smartpricing, and why does it exist in this pay-per-click system in the first place? In order to understand what smartpricing is and why it exists, think back why a search engine would offer sponsored links in the first place. If you have a popular search engine and thousands of people search for the term 'investing' every single day, if your business is offering investment advice then people searching for that term would be very interested in what you are offering.

That is the purpose of the AdWords program in the first place: to connect people's websites to interested visitors. However, this can be done with more than just links next to search listings. There are probably many different investment websites out there, and when they sign up for the AdSense program then the sponsored links appear on those sites and blogs (called the content network) as well as next to relevant search listings. But when a visitor clicks on a link from a related website as opposed to doing a search directly in Google, is that visitor going to perform as well for the advertiser (i.e. be likely to take action, whether it is buying or signing up as a lead)? Probably not, and this is where smartpricing comes in.

The purpose of smartpricing for AdSense is to identify websites and blogs that are not of the highest quality, because traffic and clicks coming from these sites tends to be much lower performing for advertisers. When a website (possibly yours) is targeted to be smartpriced, you will see a marked reduction in your AdSense earnings as Google has decided to charge their advertisers less for the clicks that come from your site.

Is it possible to prevent smartpricing? Yes it is, and I will show you how. Let me say though that I am not affiliated with Google and I do not know the exact ways on which the smartpricing algorithm works. I am speaking from my own experience, but I do know that my methods are effective at preventing smartpricing because it is typical for me to see clicks that pay out 1 dollar or more and that simply cannot happen if you are subject to this penalty.

Methods to Avoid the Smartpricing Penalty

Just as with search engine optimization, there are two main categories that you need to focus on in order to prevent smartpricing: on-site and off-site. The on-site factors are much easier to control and have the largest impact, so focus on these aspects first and then move on to off-site factors.

Here is a list of the things that you will want to include on your site: a clear privacy policy, a 'contact' or 'contact us' link, a 'bookmark us' link, terms of use, and depending on the nature of your site you may also want to include an informational disclaimer. It would probably be the best to include this information in a small bar that is at the bottom of each page. It will really make you site stand out and look professional in the eyes of the Google media bot.

Another on-site factor that you will not want to ignore is a consistent page layout as well as a coherent internal linking structure. When you link to pages within your own site, make sure you are consistent in the way that you structure the links, and focus on making it as easy as possibe for somebody to navigate through your site. In terms of off-site factors, this is a little bit more out of your control but it is pretty simple. Basically you will just want to make sure that most of your links come from legitimate and relevant sites, and you will not want to participate in any programs like traffic exchanges of paid-to-surf programs.

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